Our Role

Dulverton Regional Waste Management Authority, trading as Dulverton Waste Management (DWM), provides holistic and environmentally sustainable landfill and organics recycling services, plus waste advisory and technical consulting services.


Dulverton Waste Management was established as a Joint Authority under the Local Government Act 1993 by the Central Coast, Devonport City, Kentish and Latrobe Councils.  Our organisational setup, led by a skills-based Board of Directors, is committed to delivering outstanding governance, compliance and reporting performance across environmental, social and financial measures.


Meet the Dulverton Waste Management Team. Our team currently consists of the following members: Veronica Schilling, Mel Pearce, Matthew Layton, Jenna Westwood, Allison Cooper and Ashlee Wallace. Click here to learn more about our team.


DWM is driven to provide sustainable waste management for Tasmania. All documentation and publications will be posted on the Publications page found via the button below.


To improve environmental performance and risk management, DWM has developed a measurable and target-driven Environmental Management System, certified to Australian and New Zealand Standard ISO 14001-2004.


The Dulverton Waste Management (DWM) landfill has been recognised as Australia’s best in the Waste Management Association of Australia’s 2017 Landfill Excellence Awards. DWM received the award for achievements in minimising the landfill’s environmental impact and its ability to demonstrate continuous improvement and innovation.

Dulverton Organics Treatment (DOT) Facility

Dulverton Waste Management has unveiled a state-of-the-art Regional Organics Facility to reduce the amount going to landfill. Funded by both the Tasmanian Government’s Organic Waste Processing Grant Program and the Australian
Government’s Regional Recovery Partnerships Program, the Dulverton Organics Treatment Facility is now
officially complete.